Executive Update

The Intricate Dance of Indian Communication

Posted January 14, 2007 | Leadership |

India is poised to become the world's most populated country, and doing business there can be messy, chaotic, and thrilling. It is a nation that is creating its global future at a breathtaking pace, and it is taking the rest of the world along with it. The Indian communication style reflects its own culture: it can dart quickly in a new direction during negotiations and weave artfully through numerous ways of indirectly saying no. Indians see language not just as a means of communicating but as an ongoing process that builds relationships, gleans new ideas, and fosters trust.

About The Author
Kari Heistad
Kari Heistad is the founder and CEO of Culture Coach International in Newton, Massachusetts, USA. Diversity has been the hallmark of her work, and her experiences have brought her into contact with world leaders, inner-city youth, nonprofit organizations, and businesspeople. Ms. Heistad specializes in making the issues of cross-cultural awareness and organizational development engaging and insightful to her clients. Her approach makes these… Read More
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