The ubiquitous, massive creation of real-time data in a natively digital form (a phenomenon known as "digital data genesis,"1 or DDG) provides unprecedented opportunities for novel value creation. Pulled by the diffusion of sensors -- and the consequential increase in the creation, storage, communication, and processing of information -- such generated data can be made readily available or streamed to other partners or appropriately transformed in customer value-added services. We define this concept as the "digital data stream," or DDS. We believe the organizational implications of both DDG and DDS are enormous but that much is still to be understood in order to profit from the harvesting and streaming of data sources. What form does value creation take today? Which activities enable these new forms of value creation? How do these new possibilities for action become tangible value propositions?
Profiting from Data Harvesting and Data Streams
Posted September 4, 2012 | Technology | Cutter Benchmark Review
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