
Q: How is your organization exploiting the real-time data stream it currently accesses or generates?

Authors Federico Pigni and Elisabetta Raguseo examined the different ways companies, startups, and research labs are attempting to create value from external digital data streams. They found that efficiency was the most common route, used by half of the respondents. "Companies use real-time data streams to optimize internal operations or track business performance (e.g., waste reduction, faster responses). An interesting example of efficiency comes from Norway. Trafikanten, acquired by Ruter, began as a project developed for the city of Oslo aimed at gathering the overall situation of the city's public transportation system (e.g., buses, boats, trams, metros, and trains) and repurposing that data into a Web and mobile application accessible to citizens. The intent was to create service value, but the outcome actually led to the optimization of the traffic signal priority system, which improved travel times, reduced the number of vehicles in the system, and, in general, lowered the costs of transportation."*

* Hochheimer, Caren. Trafikanten, Norway: Case Study." Sectoral e-Business Watch, European Commission, Enterprise & Industry Directorate General, 2008.

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