
Q: What are the pressures driving your Agile data analytics investments?

Our survey respondents reported data stored in silos and poor data quality impacting decision making as the most common pressures driving Agile data analytics investments. Sebastian Hassinger says both of these complaints "betray the burden of legacy business systems and analytics." He goes on to state that "In many ways, Agile enables analytics to undergo the same kind of modern transformation that it did for software development or product development. In the enterprise, challenges lie both in the old and rigid back-end data sources and in the front-end dashboard development environments. For innovative projects in either startup or internal incubation, the challenge is more in staying flexible and working to uncover the most unexpected insights, especially those that contradict the assumptions in which the project began. Focusing on those challenges and investing in the skills and technologies needed to make Agile data analytics successful can result in outsized returns to the business."

* Excerpted from "Applying Agile Development Methodologies to Business Analytics," (Login Required) Cutter Benchmark Review, Vol. 13 No. 2.

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