
Q: In light of increasing attention being given to security leaks and interorganizational/intergovernmental surveillance and data access, what are your organization’s plans for security and privacy?

With all the news surrounding hacking and government surveillance and data access, we added a new question to this year's IT Trends survey regarding plans for investing in security and privacy information systems. The vast majority of responding companies are concerned about this issue, and there's little difference between large and small companies' responses, according to author Dennis Adams. But his co-author Jim Love points out that "In a year consumed with security discussions, where every conversation starts and ends with 'Snowden,' it's a mystery why hiring intentions in security are not going up. Only 17% of companies indicate they will hire in the area of security this year versus 19% last year." Perhaps, according to Adams, " for many of our respondents, either their companies will outsource some of this function or they will rely on technology rather than labor to fight the security battle."

* Excerpted from "Analytics and Outlaws," (Login Required) Cutter Benchmark Review, Vol. 14 No. 2

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