Amplify Forum

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Investment Opportunities for a Sustainable & Circular Economy

December 15, 2023 | 9:00am-9:45am EST | 15:00-15:45 CET (see your local time)

This informal Zoom discussion will explore how businesses and public entities can manage investments in the circular economy in light of complex concerns that overlap many dimensions of social, technological, environmental, and economic systems. The conversation, which is open to the authors who participated in the Amplify issue on addressing circular economy investments, and other members of Arthur D. Little's open consulting community, will build on the topics addressed in that Amplify issue. The discussion will be facilitated by the issue’s guest editors, Prof. Paul Dewick from the Department of Strategy, Enterprise and Sustainability, Faculty of Business and Law, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK, and Prof. Joseph Sarkis from the Department of Business Management, Worcester Polytechnic Institute.

What to Expect

  • The discussion — an informal conversation, not a presentation — will last approximately 45 minutes.
  • You are encouraged to read the Amplify issue Investment Opportunities for a Sustainable & Circular Economy. What article(s) struck a nerve? What topic are you most eager to address? Do you disagree with any?
  • Plan for a comfortable and candid conversation — with your camera on!

Join us as we explore investment opportunities for a sustainable and circular economy at this Amplify Discussion Forum.

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