The Cutter Edge

Storytelling in Leadership, Lessons from Agriculture, and more!

Posted August 2, 2022 | |

2 August 2022

Welcome to The Cutter Edge. In each free issue, you'll find research, insight, and advice crucial to helping you navigate the spectrum of challenges technology change brings.


The Increasingly Vital Role of Business Storytelling in Leadership

The need to strengthen leader-employee interactions is urgent. Find out how leaders can use stories to create greater engagement and motivate their teams. More!


Lessons from Agriculture & Beyond

Discover how companies in the agri-food industry can benefit from developing innovative practices and help turn our unsustainable agricultural systems into ones that sustain a growing human population. More!


Bootcamp: Mobilizing for Disruption in Banking & Financial Services

How can traditional banking and financial services firms defend against new industry entrants? Prepare your organization for disruption in this bootcamp led by Prof. Robert Austin. More!


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Sign up now for free access to all Cutter research! To get started, visit and click on the "create new account" tab. Once you receive an email verifying your account, your access to all Cutter insight and research will be activated! Happy reading!


The Ethical Landscape of Disclosure Bootcamp

Gain in-depth knowledge about materiality and disclosure and the risks of being on the wrong side of the disclosure decision in this interactive, virtual 2-hour/2-day bootcamp led by Cynthia E. Clark, PhD. Register!

The Cutter Edge is a free biweekly email service that gives you information and advice that you can put to work immediately for your organization. Issues are written by Cutter Consortium's Senior Consultants, Fellows and journal authors.

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Cutter Consortium