
Improved Organizational Approaches to Strengthen Inclusion

Posted March 18, 2021 | Leadership |
sphere of inclusion
Having diversity is a stepping-stone in the process of effective workplace inclusion, not a conclusion. In this Advisor, we address the steps necessary to move the diversity and inclusion needle within organizations, first taking into account that organizations are responsible for the well-being and growth of their members.
About The Author
Samin Saadat
Samin Saadat is founder and Executive Director of Jalapeño, an organization that helps businesses cultivate a thriving workplace culture. Ms. Saadat has long been impressed by people’s brains, behavior, and interactions with their environment. After spending long hours in psychology research labs at the University of British Columbia (UBC), Canada, and completing her master’s degree, she entered the workforce and observed a gap between what… Read More
Jim Brosseau
Jim Brosseau has been working with teams for almost three decades and is passionate about educating people about the role that relationships and interpersonal friction have on the success or failure of projects. Today, he leads a team of 12 facilitators delivering project management and leadership workshops that embody this philosophy of focusing primarily on team relationships to over 2,000 people each year. Mr. Brosseau has volunteered with… Read More
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