Executive Update

Agile Alignment

Posted October 31, 2007 | Leadership |

As we all know, IT-business alignment has been at or near the top of the CIO issues list since the early 1990s. This means that no common wisdom has yet emerged on how to deal with it. As Cutter Senior Consultant John Berry puts it in a recent Cutter E-Mail Advisor, "Ah yes, like a weed, the alignment issue seems never to go away; perhaps because it is never fully resolved" [2]. Perhaps, but ignore this weed at your peril.

About The Author
Thomas M. Lodahl
Thomas M. Lodahl is cofounder and Principal of CogniTech Services Corporation (www.cognitechcorp.com). Previously, he was the Director of Office Automation at the Diebold Group. Mr. Lodahl has held professorships at MIT and Cornell and was an editor for Administrative Science Quarterly for 10 years. He received a PhD in industrial psychology from University of California, Berkeley.
Kay Lewis Redditt
Kay Lewis Redditt is cofounder and Principal of CogniTech Services Corporation. She has a background in labor economics research and has held positions of MIS Director and Division CFO at American Express as well as Division COO at MacMillan Publishing. Ms. Redditt has a bachelor's degree in economic research and a master's degree in econometrics.
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