Executive Update

Benchmark Your Service Contract Price with Caution

Posted September 14, 2007 | Leadership | Leadership |

The purpose of this Executive Update is to critically examine service contract price benchmarking as a tool to measure price efficiency of contracted complex services against market prices. A complex service contract can be viewed as a legal framework tied to a financial model. As a result, what is actually being benchmarked is a price exhibit tied to an underlying complex financial model.

About The Author
Chet Mauk
Chet Mauk is a Senior Consultant with IBM and has led and performed numerous engagements in IT financial management for Fortune 500 companies. Mr. Mauk is considered an expert in the area of complex service contract price benchmarking and has worked with IBM Strategic Outsourcing for the past several years in this capacity. Additionally, Mr. Mauk has advised senior executives at several consulting firms on complex services price benchmark… Read More
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