
Beyond Knowledge: Growing Capability for an Uncertain Future

Posted March 24, 2014 | Technology | Amplify

Knowledge needs to be discovered and utilized in context. Creating our own route in our own work context will enable us to develop our personal theory of problem solving in practice, thus making sense of our deliberations and discoveries. Educating learners engaged in professional practice in-the-unfamiliar requires us to abandon the safety of universal theory and embrace the principles of personal discovery, reflective practice, sensemaking, and the development of capability, thereby enabling learners to discover and embrace their own theories and continue to foster and enrich their capability.

About The Author
Darren Dalcher
Darren Dalcher is a Professor of Project Management at the University of Hertfordshire, Visiting Professor of Computer Science at the University of Iceland, and Adjunct Professor at the Lille Graduate School of Management. He is the founder and director of the National Centre for Project Management (NCPM), an interdisciplinary center of excellence operating in collaboration with industry, government, and the learned societies. Following… Read More
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