To the optimists, pushing back against technology is about as effective as King Canute trying to stop the tides. However, backlashes do sometimes influence the future direction of a technology. The disasters at Three Mile Island and Chernobyl definitely heightened the perceived risks of nuclear power and checked nuclear power plant construction around the world. Similarly, the perceived risks of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) have significantly slowed their acceptance globally Nor is automation immune. While Terminator-type robots may not be just around the corner, weaponized drones with autonomous "fire" decision capability certainly are, and thus the UN has begun discussions on whether to ban the development and use of "killer robots."Scholars are also debating what controls may need to be put into place before self-driving cars or robots become ubiquitous.
Mitigating the Risks of Technology Backlash — Opening Statement
Posted July 1, 2015 | Leadership | Amplify

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