
MRP-as-a-Service: An Alternative Way to Execute Models for Business Processes

Posted November 29, 2007 | Leadership | Leadership | Leadership |

Software-as-a-service (SaaS) is an alternative worth considering for companies that face the high costs of enterprise-wide implementations and extensive reengineering efforts to enhance existing business processes. In particular, small companies often do not have the financial resources to purchase "on-premise" systems that require significant investment in packaged software and dedicated hardware. However, it is also true that large companies with extensive installations are beginning to consider SaaS as a cost-cutting measure.

About The Author
Hyoung-gon Lee
Hyoung-Gon Lee is a postdoctoral fellow at the MIT Laboratory for Manufacturing and Productivity -- Data Center Program, cosponsored by uCIC(u-Computing Innovation Center) in Seoul National University, South Korea. Dr. Lee holds a bachelors and a Ph.D. degree from Seoul National University in industrial engineering, specializing in bridging computational advances to manufacturing planning systems, such as CIM, MRP, and SCM. He is currently… Read More
Edmund Schuster
Edmund W. Schuster Edmund W. Schuster has held the appointment of Director of the Affiliates Program in Logistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and is a research engineer at the MIT Laboratory for Manufacturing and… Read More
Chaitra Schuster
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