The Cutter Edge

The Playbook for Digital Transformation, Where Corporate Innovation Models Went Wrong, more!

Posted October 25, 2022 | |

25 October 2022

Welcome to The Cutter Edge. In each free issue, you'll find research, insight, and advice crucial to helping you navigate the spectrum of challenges technology change brings.


Future Ready: An Essential Playbook for Successful Digital Transformation

The new book, Future Ready: The Four Pathways to Capturing Digital Value, underscores the reasons for being future ready and the four pathways forward, including the business risks. More!


Traditional Corporate Innovation Models: Where They Went Wrong

Many of the best corpor­ate innovations have created severe, unintended social and environmental consequences. Explore two traditional approaches to corporate innovation–the stage-gate model and design thinking–and where they went wrong. More!

on demand

On-Demand: Business and Biodiversity; Closing the Gap Between Ambition and Action

In case you missed it, learn the strategies for private sector action on biodiversity in a recent discussion with Margaret O’Gorman and Sara Cook of the Wildlife Habitat Council. Watch now!


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Cutter Consortium