Executive Update

Running Your EA Practice Like a Business: A Holistic Approach

Posted October 14, 2006 | Technology |

Imagine a perfect world where everything works just fine -- all goes as planned and nothing goes off track. For a CIO attempting to deliver business solutions in today's IT world, there is no such thing as a perfect world. Most CIOs and other practitioners involved in making business decisions willingly agree on one thing: change is the only constant fact in their world.

About The Author
Tushar Hazra
Tushar Hazra is an Executive Enterprise Architect with over 22 years’ experience in various areas of architecture development, implementation, governance, risk management, and compliance. Dr. Hazra is a successful and recognized thought leader and an expert in delivering enterprise-level business solutions, strategy, blueprints, and roadmaps; strategic planning; and implementing effective enterprise architecture for digital transformation. He… Read More
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