Swimming Against the Tide: What One Team Overcame to Develop and Deliver an Enterprise Mobile Application

Posted August 31, 2010 | |

Sometimes, in the midst of the day-to-day pressures to produce, test, and deliver the next great software product, we ponder how great it would be to have the job of IT futurist -- someone who reads the tea leaves, gathers and analyzes the disparate data, and prognosticates the next big trends in technology development. We figure that as long as we, on occasion, accurately make one or two correct predictions, the world will forgive any trends we might miss.

About The Author
Jesse Greco
Niel Nickolaisen
Niel Nickolaisen has held technology executive (CIO) and operations executive (COO) positions in large and medium-sized enterprises, typically in turnaround roles. He is an expert in the rapid/adaptive selection, implementation, and deployment of enterprise business applications, analysis tools, and systems. He has developed a strategic and tactical alignment model that results in significantly improved returns on technology and business… Read More
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