What Have We Learned from Year 2000?

Posted June 30, 2000 | Leadership | Leadership |

Writing a review of one of the most significant events in IT history, it is very easy to be glib and beat our breasts. How did we get it so wrong? Why is the stock market still around 11,000 instead of 2,000? Why are we still living in thriving cities instead of shooting at each other in the wilderness?

About The Author
Don Estes
Don Estes is President of Don Estes & Associates. He has served as Editor of the Cutter IT Journal and as a speaker at Cutter Summits. He has more than 35 years experience in IT, more than half of which has been focused on managing the business and technical risks in the modernization of legacy applications and their integration with new technology. His writings have brought both a theoretical and a practical view to extracting the value… Read More
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