Mario Piattini
Mario Piattini is a Full Professor of Software Engineering at the University of Castilla–La Mancha (UCLM), Spain; leader of the Alarcos Research Group; and aQuantum’s Chief Research Officer. He has worked as a consultant for various companies and organizations and has created several spinoffs, including Cronos Iberica; DQTeam; and AQCLab, the first international accredited laboratory for software and data quality assessment. Dr. Piattini is founder and Director of UCLM’s Institute of Information Systems and Technologies and Director of the UCLM-Indra Joint Research and Development Center. He has been listed among the top 15 “Most Active Experienced Software Engineering Researchers in Top-Quality Journals” by Journal of Systems and Software. Dr. Piattini is certified as Information Systems Auditor (CISA), Information Security Manager (CISM), Governance of Enterprise IT (CGEIT), Risk and Information Systems Control (CRISC), and Project Management Professional (PMP). He earned a master’s of science degree and PhD in computer science from Madrid Technical University (UPM), Spain. He can be reached at mario.piattini@uclm.es.