Sachin Nimbalkar
Sachin Nimbalkar leads the Manufacturing Energy Efficiency Research & Analysis Group at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). He has 15+ years’ experience, including working as a Senior R&D Staff Member at ORNL. Dr. Nimbalkar’s team focuses on researching and disseminating knowledge as well as developing impactful practices, tools, and technologies relating to energy, water, and material efficiency in manufacturing. He supports US Department of Energy (DOE) Better Plants and Better Climate Challenge partners in collaboration with the DOE’s Industrial Efficiency & Decarbonization Office, focusing on energy roadmaps, baselining analyses, in-plant trainings, and field visits to identify measures for reducing process energy requirements. Dr. Nimbalkar also conducts lifecycle assessments and techno-economic analyses in sustainable manufacturing, circular economy, smart manufacturing, and the water-energy nexus. He earned a PhD in mechanical engineering and a master of science degree in mechanical engineering from Rutgers University and a mechanical engineering degree from the College of Engineering Pune, India. He can be reached at nimbalkarsu@ornl.gov.