Simon Schillebeeckx
Simon J.D. Schillebeeckx is a Cutter Expert. He is Assistant Professor of Strategic Management at Singapore Management University (SMU). His research focuses on the intersection of digitization and sustainability. Dr. Schillebeeckx is also cofounder of Global Mangrove Trust, a nonprofit that uses blockchain and remote sensing to support mangrove reforestation, and Handprint, a fast-scaling venture whose mission is to integrate a positive impact in every business transaction. Prior to joining SMU, he worked in sustainable innovation consulting. Dr. Schillebeeckx earned bachelor of science and master of science degrees in commercial engineering from Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium; a master’s of art degree in corporate social responsibility from the University of Nottingham, UK; and a PhD in management from Imperial College London. He can be reached at simon@smu.edu.sg.