Tom Welsh
Tom Welsh is a Senior Consultant with Cutter Consortium's Business & Enterprise Architecture practice. He is an independent consultant and analyst specializing in middleware, object technology, and software engineering. At Digital Equipment Corporation, Mr. Welsh was a hardware technician, software support specialist, corporate software developer, and senior technology consultant, before taking on the task of marketing Digital's OO software products in the UK. In his role as a principal analyst at ComputerWire, Mr. Welsh has been a leading contributor to Client/Server Tools Bulletin, Internet Tools Bulletin, and Object-Oriented Tools Bulletin. He has written many reports and papers as well as chaired and spoken at conferences and seminars. Since 1992, Mr. Welsh has closely followed the work of the OMG and its specifications, including CORBA, UML, XMI, and CWM. He can be reached at consulting@cutter.com.