Advisors provide a continuous flow of information on the topics covered by each practice, including consultant insights and reports from the front lines, analyses of trends, and breaking new ideas. Advisors are delivered directly to your email inbox, and are also available in the resource library.

Legacy Architecture Challenges -- Getting Harder to Hide

William Ulrich

CRM and Other Strategies

Paul Harmon

No one who works in computing can be unaware of the meaningless and constant jargon that we are all forced to listen to. I'd be interested to see a graduate school study of the amount of time IT managers spend just trying to understand the new terms they keep encountering. It's frustrating, of course, because in most cases the new terms just turn out to be some old term, given a slight twist.


Stephen Hawrysh

As spring is starting to spring around the country and even before the first robin has arrived, spring training has started for professional baseball. So how about a baseball analogy for software development?

Agile Project Management in Action -- Part 1

Rob Thomsett
  Agile Project Management in Action series: Part 1 Part 2 -- Shaping the Context

Modifying Enterprise Level Packages

Mark Richards

Managers often struggle with the decision of whether or not to significantly modify the customer relationship management (CRM) and other software packages they have just purchased. Often companies decide to make changes to the packaged application to meet their business requirements. This is very common and often times necessary, but should be undertaken with foresight and understanding of the consequences.

Outsourcing Core Processes

Paul Harmon

In several Advisors, I've mentioned my working assumption that a company should not outsource core business processes. As I use the term, a core business process results in a product or service that uniquely defines the company. In other words, the process is one in which the company adds unique value and is critical to the way the company positions itself in its market.

Preparing for a Management Role

Esther Derby

"The talented employee may join a company because of its charismatic leaders, its generous benefits, and its world-class training programs, but how long that employee stays and how productive he is while he is there is determined by his relationship with his immediate supervisor." (Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman in First, Break All the Rules,

Audio Mining: The Next Big Thing?

Cutter Consortium, Cutter Consortium


Ed Yourdon


Paul Harmon

Head, Heart, or Hands: Understanding Your Role

Pamela Hollington

Some years ago when I was starting out on my own, I asked a colleague for some advice about the wonderful world of consulting. He said that one of the most important things to him was understanding the role the client wanted him to play on a project.

Creating "Integration Options"

George Westerman
CREATING "INTEGRATION OPTIONS" 27 February 2002 by George Westerman

Despite many stories to the contrary, e-business is certainly NOT dead. What's dead are the independent subsidiaries that many firms created to launch e-businesses. This is actually a good sign.

The Euro -- Déjà Vu?

Patrick OBeirne

The introduction of the euro cash was a runaway success with the public queuing to get rid of the old money on the first day. It was certainly an historic occasion, with 360 million people all facing a new currency at the same time, a rare common experience across Europe. That leaves the DUKS (Denmark, UK, and Sweden) who are wondering whether they should get their feet wet.

RODS: The Real-Time Outbreak Detection System

Curt Hall

It's been approximately five months since the first anthrax attacks took place in the US. Although the attacks ceased as abruptly as they appeared, the healthcare and emergency response systems in this country have been scrambling to implement new technologies and procedures to deal with the next bioterrorist attack, should it come.