Figure 1 --  Does your organization currently support or plan to support wearable devices
(e.g., smart watches, smart badges, smart glasses) by employees to perform their job tasks in the workplace?


In a recent survey on the Internet of Things, Curt Hall examined trends pertaining to the use of wearable devices such as smart watches, smart badges, smart glasses, to support employees in performing their job functions in the workplace. The findings show that current use of wearable devices by employees to perform their job tasks is quite limited; however, future technology adoption plans among organizations for supporting employee use of wearables does appear promising. However, all indications are that it is still very early for wearables in the enterprise.

According to Hall, "Employee use of wearables in the enterprise should start to increase as new products — especially smart watches — begin to gain greater acceptance in general and as employees start bringing them into the workplace."

In addition, Curt predicted that adding the ability to integrate wearables "into the business and workflow components of CRM, HR, ERP, and other applications — which we are now seeing from the likes of Salesforce, SAP, and other providers — should also lead to the increasing use of wearables in the enterprise. However, it's hard to see any real growth in the business use of wearables occurring until later in 2016 and 2017. That said, organizations will now want to start examining how different wearables could benefit their employees."


* Excerpted from "Trends in Wearable Devices in the Enterprise," (Login RequiredData Analytics & Digital Technologies Advisor September 30, 2015