Sherry Law

Sherry Law is a Canadian Certified Counsellor, a Registered Counselling Therapist, and president of the Technology and Innovative Solutions chapter of Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association (CCPA). She was the interim treasurer for the Federation of Personal and Vocational Counselling of New Brunswick (NB), and an attendant in CCPA’s first “Leaders of Tomorrow” program. Ms. Law works as a counsellor for a not-for-profit organization in Fredericton, NB, a consultant facilitating pre-employability programs for the provincial government (NB), and a career consultant for the Department of Social Development (NB). Her interest in technology and passion for people drives her pursuit of integrating innovative technological solutions for the mental health community. She is currently researching independently into the therapeutic effects of virtual reality on adults in long-term care and speaks often at professional conferences. Ms. Law has developed an interest in cryptocurrency and has helped mental health charities to set up donation funds and fundraising in the cryptocurrency space.