Saman Michael Far

Saman Michael Far is Senior VP of Technology at FINRA, responsible for development of technologies to monitor financial markets, discover wrongdoing, and provide analytic visibility into over 60 billion market events received per day. Previously at FINRA, he was responsible for developing surveillance and regulation technology for the regulation of financial firms. Prior to joining FINRA, Mr. Far worked with venture capital firms to assess over 100 venture-funded startups and, where required, manage the rebuilding of teams, productization of core technology, and maximization of total addressable market and valuations. In the 1990s, he was one of four key people who led Open Text Corporation from an early stage search engine pioneer through a successful NASDAQ IPO. Mr. Far has a bachelor's degree in engineering science and a master's degree in electrical engineering/computer science, focused on distributed real-time data processing, from the University of Western Ontario. He can be reached at saman.far at