Robert Glass

Robert L. Glass is President of Computing Trends, publishers of The Software Practitionernewsletter, and an Honorary Professor of Software Engineering at Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia. Dr. Glass has been active in the field of computing and software for over 50 years, largely in industry (1954-1982 and 1988-2005), but also as an academic (1982-1988 and 2005-present). He is the author of over 25 books and 90 papers on computing subjects, Editor of The Software Practitioner, Editor Emeritus of Elsevier's Journal of Systems and Software, and a columnist for several periodicals, including the two leading journals in his field, Communications of the ACM (the "Practical Programmer" column) and IEEE Software ("The Loyal Opposition"). Dr. Glass was for 15 years a Lecturer for the ACM and was named a Fellow of the ACM in 1998. He received an honorary PhD from Linkoping University in Sweden in 1995. He describes himself by saying, "My head is in the academic area of computing, but my heart is in its practice." Dr. Glass can be reached at R.Glass at