Amplify Forum

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Sustainable Urban Mobility

June 6, 2024 | 9:00am-9:45am EDT | 15:00-15:45 CEST (see your local time)

Building on the Amplify issue on Sustainable Urban Mobility, this informal Zoom discussion led by Prof. Dr. Ani Melkonyan-Gottschalk will explore how innovative technologies such as MaaS, blockchain, big data, Internet of Things, augmented reality, AI, autonomous driving, and digital twins are being implemented to decarbonize transportation and mobility systems. The conversation is open to all of the authors who participated in the Amplify issue, and all members of Arthur D. Little's open consulting community.

What to expect:

  • The discussion — an informal conversation, not a presentation — will last approximately 45 minutes.
  • You are encouraged to read the Amplify issue on Sustainable Urban Mobility. What article(s) struck a nerve? What topic are you most eager to address? Do you disagree with any?
  • Plan for a comfortable and candid conversation — with your camera on!

Join us as we explore sustainable urban mobility at this Amplify Discussion Forum.

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