Cutter Members-only Peer-to-Peer


Unlocking Creativity

What gets in the way of new ideas at your organization? What can you do (or are you doing) about it?

Creativity is an essential component of innovation and success for competitive organizations. But it’s often elusive. Not because organizations don’t already have creative, innovative people, but because organizations often can’t get out of their own way, making it impossible for people who know how to innovate to do so.

In his just-published book, Unlocking Creativity, Cutter Consortium Fellow, Profesoor Michael Roberto reveals the organizational barriers and mindsets that impede creativity and innovation. In this special Cutter members-only peer-to-peer discussion, Roberto will lead a conversation that will equip you with the insight you need to shift towards supportive mindsets and cultures where creativity can thrive.

Topics you’ll explore include:

  • What organizational mindsets impede creativity and innovation? How can you recognize and overcome them?
  • What are the barriers that obstruct the creative process?
  • What kind of environment allows talented people to thrive, and how can you create one?
  • How can you encourage creative collaboration in teams throughout your organization?

As a leader, you don’t have to be the one who conceives innovative ideas, but you do need to pave the way for curious and creative employees. Cutter Consortium Members: Join Roberto for this discussion on why and how you need to remove obstacles to the creative process and support an atmosphere of imagination and innovation in your organization.

This event has concluded. Are you a member who would like to discuss Unlocking Creativity with Michael Roberto? Just contact Rich Whelan to set up a conversation.

Registration is closed.