Bob Benson
Bob Benson applies more than 40 years of academic and corporate experience to assist companies and government agencies in understanding the business value of IT, strategic and financial IT management, strategic IT planning, effective IT application development, and IT governance. He has written more than 100 Cutter Consortium Advisors on business technology strategy and IT governance as well as additional Executive Reports, Updates, and Cutter journal articles. Mr. Benson has consulted for and conducted workshops with Cutter clients in the US, Mexico, and Poland.
Mr. Benson has been instrumental in the development of portfolio management methods and strategic and financial management methodologies based on Information Economics used by companies and consulting organizations around the world. He has conducted executive seminars and management courses on these subjects and has consulted with over 100 companies and organizations in 20 countries.
For 40 years, Mr. Benson taught computer science and information management at Washington University in St. Louis (USA), where he also served as Associate Vice Chancellor for Computing and Communications, Dean, CIO, and in various financial executive positions. He has also taught information management at Tilburg University (the Netherlands) for 20 years and is a member of its faculty. Mr. Benson has appeared in numerous keynote speaking opportunities at executive conferences, including Cutter's Summits in the US and Mexico, Gartner Symposium/Expo events, Information Management Forum CIO, Enterprise Architecture Conference, IQPC-sponsored Summits, and others. He is coauthor of several books and numerous articles and monographs, including From Business Strategy to IT Action: Right Decisions for a Better Bottom Line, Information Economics: Linking Information Technology and Business Performance and Information Strategy and Economics: Linking Information Systems Strategy to Business Performance. Mr. Benson holds a bachelor of science degree in engineering science and a law degree, both from Washington University. He can be reached at experts@cutter.com.