Jan Damsgaard
Jan Damsgaard is a Fellow with Cutter Consortium. Dr. Damsgaard is Head of the Digitization Department at Copenhagen Business School. In 2014, the Danish Academy of Technical Sciences appointed him to national Digital Advisor (Digital Vismand). Dr. Damsgaard’s primary research focuses on the digital transformation of business. Additional areas of expertise include the diffusion and adoption of networked IT, innovative business models and strategies for business transformation, social media management, digital payment infrastructures as multisided platforms, and cloud computing and standard software management. Dr. Damsgaard also consults on IT innovation and business transformation. He has worked and performed research at several institutions in the US, China, Finland, and Australia and is often invited to give presentations and organize workshops. Dr. Damsgaard holds a PhD in IS and a master's degree in computer science and psychology. He can be reached at experts@cutter.com.