Michel Avital
Michel Avital is Professor of Digitalization at Copenhagen Business School, Denmark and a member of Arthur D. Little’s AMP open consulting network. He is an advocate of openness and an avid proponent of cross-boundary exchange and collaboration. Prof. Avital’s research focuses on the relationships between digital innovation ecosystems and organizational practices. He studies how emergent technologies are developed, applied, managed, and utilized to transform and shape organizations. Currently, Prof. Avital is exploring blockchain-enabled innovation, transformation, organization, collaboration, and business models. He has published more than 100 articles on topics such as blockchain, future of work, sharing economy, open data, open design, generative design, creativity, innovation, the social impact of IT, and sustainable value. Prof. Avital is an editorial board member of leading technology journals and serves in various organizing roles for major international conferences on digital technology and organization studies. He is the recipient of the 2021 AIS Fellow Award. He can be reached at michel@avital.net.