3 | 2003
Project Management Revolution
Critical chain project management promises to revolutionize the project and resource management practices in every corner of the companies that do a lot of project work.

Unknown Fad?
Most project management professionals don't even know what critical chain project management is. If it's so powerful, why doesn't everyone know about it?

"A question people commonly ask about CCPM is, 'If critical chain is so superior, why isn't everyone doing it?'"

- Bill Lynch, Guest Editor

Opening Statement
Bill Lynch

CCPM's Visibility Problem
David Higgins

Getting Projects Out of Your System: A Critical Chain Primer
Richard E. Zultner

A New Vision for Project Management
Douglas R. Brandt

Segway and an Agile Critical Chain
Matt Gelbwaks

Bridging the Reality Gap
Robert C. Newbold

Next Issue

Project Portfolio Management: Blueprint for Efficiency or Formula for Boondoggle?
Guest Editor: Donna Fitzgerald

Project portfolio management (PPM) is, at its simplest, a process that organizations can use to prioritize where they will invest their scarce resources. There have been many successful applications of PPM in IT, yet many organizations struggle in their attempts to implement the process. Critics claim PPM is an expensive analytical technique that doesn't translate well to the world of IT projects. In which camp does PPM's future lie?

In next month's issue, veteran PPM practitioner Donna Fitzgerald examines the use of PPM in several diverse settings and provides food for thought for proponents and detractors alike. Don't miss this chance to discover what PPM could do for your organization.

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Critical chain project management (CCPM) is being hailed in some circles as a way for software development organizations to realize huge productivity gains over traditional project management. But in others, the concepts of CCPM are either unknown or being dismissed as impractical in the real world. In this issue, Bill Lynch of Prochain Solutions and several project management experts will deliver their opinions about CCPM and help you determine where you stand on the utility of this project management concept. You'll read CCPM success stories from very diverse IT organizations as well as pieces that don't even put CCPM on the project management map -- all delivered in classic CITJ style! Prepare for some saber rattling on this emerging issue in the March edition of Cutter IT Journal.