11 | 2003

Benchmarking Is a Must
When the demand from management is “show me the value,” consistent, proven processes are essential. You need benchmarks to analyze and improve your software development practices.

Benchmarking Is a Bust
Success in software development comes largely from dedicated teams and not the reinvention of software processes. Benchmarking is a waste of time and money.

"The motivation to continue process improvement initiatives increases dramatically when the organization focuses its attention on the achievements gained. A measurement program must be in place to demonstrate those achievements and prove an effective return on the investment in improved software processes."

-- David Garmus, Guest Editor

Opening Statement
David Garmus

Benchmarking Process Maturity
David Zubrow

Implementing a Successful Measurement Program: Tried-and-True Practices and Tools

Cheryl Jones

Don't Get Blindsided by Your Progress Indicators
Brad Clark and Betsy Clark

Do-It-Yourself Metrics
Michael Mah

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Due to the unprecedented response Cutter IT Journal received on the first Metrics and Benchmarking issue, we're coming back with even more insight on how IT organizations are using metrics and benchmarking to reduce costs and quantify ROI. Guest editor David Garmus returns to guide you through this contentious and dynamic field.