10 | 2002
Don't Throw the Baby Out with the Bathwater
The benefits of real-time access to mission-critical data anytime, anywhere are undeniable. Wireless technology improves organizational efficiency across the board. Recent economic disasters shouldn't stand in the way of real progress.

It's the Economy, Stupid
After high initial excitement, this complex and unsettled technology is a hard sell to a market and investors that have grown leery of industries with questionable viability. Until some bulletproof commercial wireless solutions become available, buyers should sit on the sidelines.

"Pioneer adopters have proven that smartly designed wireless IT can be implemented successfully to drive new business, increase customer satisfaction, and clean competitors' clocks. It's up to IT managers to learn how it's done."

-- Arielle Emmett, Guest Editor

Opening Statement
Arielle Emmett

Overcoming the Impediments to Enterprise Adoption of Wireless Data Systems
Mark Desautels

Enterprise Wireless Data Network Options:
The Next 3-5 Years

Brenda Lewis

Mobile and Wireless: The IT Impact
Ellen Daley

Wireless Security: The Key to Success
for M-Commerce

Luminita Vasiu

Lighting a Fire Under Wireless Adoption
Ian S. Hayes

Next Issue

Globalization: Bane or Boom
Guest Editor: E.M. Bennatan

Next month, Cutter Consortium Senior Consultant E.M. Bennatan wades into the debate over the effects of globalization on the software community. Are increasing complexity and interdependency making us "fragile," or can strategies like "high-availability" networking help us to build and maintain global interconnectedness? Many believe that the advantages of global development so outweigh the difficulties that the latter can be readily managed -- but at what cost? Find out in the next issue of Cutter IT Journal.

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In the wake of the recent meltdown of the telecommunications industry, analysts are trying to figure out how to offer wireless services and integrate them into existing enterprise IT in a way that will reestablish industry value and consumer and investor confidence. For every business intelligence and customer relationship opportunity offered by wireless technology, there is a profound productivity and integration challenge to enterprise IT. In this issue, telecommunications industry expert Arielle Emmett will dial into the debate over the kinds of enterprise solutions that must be conceived and implemented to help fulfill the promise of wireless and mobile technology.