5 | 2004
A Waste of Time and Money Service orientation is but spin -- a mock architecture and set of ideas developed by marketing people to impress technically unsophisticated customers.

A Trend We Ignore at Our Peril Service orientation is an economic reality that is already having a profound impact on software development and the relationship between business and IT. It's time to get with the program.
"Perhaps service orientation is old wine in new bottles. However, previously the bottles were locked away in a cupboard only to be opened by members of a very exclusive club. Now, the new bottles are much more accessible to members of a democratic community, and the wine itself is maturing. "
- Paul Allen, Guest Editor

Join Guest Editor Paul Allen and find out why everyone is talking about service orientation. Is service orientation a significant technology development that organizations ignore at their peril, or is it just old wine in new bottles? What can you do to cut through the hype that seems to surround this subject and take advantage of what's really on offer in a way that suits your organization? You'll explore the concepts of service orientation and learn from real-world cases how you can apply service-oriented architectures and technologies to support your business initiatives. Don't miss the debate!