The Cutter Edge

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Strategies, Project to Product: Fact or Fiction?, more ...

Posted November 17, 2020 | Sustainability | Leadership |
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17 November 2020

Welcome to The Cutter Edge. In each free issue, you'll find research, insight, and advice crucial to helping you navigate the spectrum of challenges technology change brings.

New from The Cutter Edge

Cultivating Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in the Workplace

As our workforce becomes more diverse, companies must resist the urge to declare victory. Diversity, equity, and inclusion simply cannot thrive in conditions of a perpetual fight for survival and must go beyond the threat of I win/you lose. More ...

Project to Product: Fact or Fiction?

Project to product is a simple statement that has enormous ramifications for project management disciplines. It recognizes that change is continual and, therefore, to reduce waste and increase efficiency, software development and change should be managed as a process. More!

IT as a Production Line Webinar: Are You Serious?

Join our webinar, tomorrow, Wednesday, Nov. 18, and discover why shifting to IT development production lines, managed in the same way as the vehicle production processes, can improve software delivery in your organization. Register now!

New Report: Cultivating Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in the Workplace

This latest issue of Cutter Business Technology Journal explores historical workplace disparities and the strategies businesses can take to foster a diverse, equitable and inclusive culture. Save 20% with code DEI20. Order now!

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Cutter Consortium
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