The Cutter Edge

Blockchain and Gig Economy Fuel Post-Covid Growth, Driving Sustainability with Architecture, more.

Posted August 10, 2021 | Sustainability | Technology |

10 August 2021

Welcome to The Cutter Edge. In each free issue, you'll find research, insight, and advice crucial to helping you navigate the spectrum of challenges technology change brings.


Blockchain and Gig Economy Fuel Post-Covid Growth

For businesses seeking to regain a competitive edge post-pandemic, blockchain and a new pool of gig economy entrepreneurs offer a timely and robust base from which to craft and enable new winning business models. More!


Implementing Sustainability Initiatives with an Architectural Approach

Leveraging an architectural approach to sustainability will enable a thorough understanding of how it fits into an overall enterprise strategy and ensures a formal, analytical approach to the transition is taken. More!

Tech debt webinar

Emerging Trends & Opportunities Made Possible by Fintech

Join our webinar on September 8 with Kevin O'Leary and discover how fintech can help businesses reopen post-pandemic and develop a robust digital infrastructure that will support growth into the future. Register now!

Sustainability thur BA

Pursuing Sustainability through Business Architecture

Don't miss our webinar on September 22 as Cutter Fellow William Ulrich and Giovanni Traverso explore how business architecture can help you expedite and smooth your transition to the circular economy and support strategic sustainability. Register!

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The Cutter Edge is a free biweekly email service that gives you information and advice that you can put to work immediately for your organization. Issues are written by Cutter Consortium's Senior Consultants, Fellows and journal authors.

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Cutter Consortium