The Cutter Edge

The Cutter Edge: Creating Value Streams, Sustaining Digital Shift Momentum, Embracing Complexity Science

Posted August 25, 2020 | Leadership | Technology |
computer analysis

25 August 2020

Welcome to The Cutter Edge. In each free issue, you'll find research, insight, and advice crucial to helping you navigate the spectrum of challenges technology change brings.

New from The Cutter Edge

Agile Budgeting — A Critical Component of Establishing Value Streams

Agile budgeting is about products, rather than projects, forming the value stream portfolio. A product can already exist and generate value; it also has some kind of revenue stream, operational costs, and profit margins contributing to cash generation. More!

To Build and Sustain Momentum in a Digital Shift, Communicate!

When “making a digital shift,” it’s important to examine the ways to keep up the momentum and stay on track in managerial, not technical, terms. The premise is that, as with a paint job, meticulous preparation is essential to success. More!

Dissecting the Aches and Pains of Business Agility Webinar

Join us on September 9 at 12pm EDT as Borys Stokalski and Aleksander Solecki look at the processes and practices that support business agility from the perspectives of value innovation and product portfolio management. Register now!

Improve Software Systems Designs by Applying Residuality Theory

In our September 23 webinar, Barry M. O’Reilly discusses how you can embrace complexity science to move beyond the process-component mapping that has historically caused systemic failure in enterprise software. Register now!

New Report: Crisis Alert! Strategies for Today and Beyond

This issue of Cutter Business Technology Journal explores various aspects of corporate crisis management and how business technology can help companies deal with life-changing crises. Available for purchase in the Cutter Bookstore. Order now!

The Cutter Edge is a free biweekly email service that gives you information and advice that you can put to work immediately for your organization. Issues are written by Cutter Consortium's Senior Consultants, Fellows and journal authors.

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Cutter Consortium
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